Drama in English for adults:
- Develop practical drama skills
- Find new ways to tell stories and share experiences
- Improve their English skills
- Build confidence
- Be involved in a creative team
- Experience the ownership of creative ideas
- Make new friends
- Have fun!!!
The course will focus on the following areas:
- Improvisation skills & how they can lead into devised performance
- Drama starts
- Mime & movement
- Character, plot & setting
- Expression & emotion
Are you a kid from 8-12 years old? We also have an English Kids Drama course!
Aantal lessen
30 lessen van 29-08-2024 t/m 08-05-2025
Herbenusstraat 89, Maastricht
Erik Vos studio - Lessen van 29 augustus 2024 t/m 8 mei 2025. Voorstelling 17 april 2024